2. Evaluation Terminology

Resources: The LGID Outcomes framework is a strategic framework for planning service evalaution.  The evaluation quiz is explained in Activity 2.
Evaluation shouldn't be an after-thought and shouldn't just take place at the end of a project.  To be truly effective it should be embedded into your service planning at a strategic level.  This tool will help you to measure your impact on the "front-line" for individual projects, programmes and activities but you may want to consider utilising a more strategic tool to develop your organisational approach to evaluation.

Local Government Improvement and Development have created an online resource to help you develop a strategic level Outcomes Framework. Our tool sits beneath this kind of framework and will help you measure the ‘local data’ needed to demonstrate the benefit of your work.

Activity 2: Evaluation Quiz
Refresh your existing knowledge of evaluation terminology and break through the jargon
Take the quiz now!

Proceed to Evaluation Terminology Summary